Mobility Africa Agro

Women in Agriculture 1
Mobility Africa Agro

Women in Agriculture

Mobility Africa Agro  realises the importance of empowering emerging female farmers. Since its inception in 2020, Mobility Africa Agro in partnership with some of South Africa’s Supermarket Chains groups  have set up a programme to support emerging female farmers by offering and a Horticultural out grower scheme that provides,

  • Training and Development
  • Agronomy services
  • Financing

The programme seeks to increase economic inclusion for Black emerging women farmers, including youth, people living with disabilities, in local economies with a primary focus on providing expansion capital resources to farming cooperatives and individuals.


Household Food Security

In partnership with Netafim and Future Pump, Mobility Africa Agro supports African Governments  to upskill  smallholder farmers as part of subsistance to abundance production with mentorship and production input subsidy support.



Not having access to mechanisation and latest technology should not be a barrier to entry for new farmers. There are other proven traditional ways to gain access, through for example, pooling of resources to buy equipment and then sharing it between a group of farmers or a farmer renting it with or without service to gain the maximum financial benefit from the equipment.


Through collaborations to complement its mechanisation division, Mobility Africa Agro has partnered with Escorts Kubota and other industry stakeholders, to unlock opportunities that increase access to the latest available technology and mechanisation for African Countries.


Mobility Africa Agro’s Youth Ambassador Programme

With an average age of over sixty years, established farmers play a major role in ensuring food security in South Africa and the rest of Africa. It is, however, time that we bring the youth onboard for a fresh perspective and new approach towards the future.

In 2023 Mobility Africa Agro launched a youth ambassador desk which aims to provide much needed inspiration and support to young aspirant farmers, especially black and female. This could be a long and lonely road but if travelled together with industry partners, success that guarantees our futures and those of generations to come is assured.

Mobility Africa Agro was born out of the Passion and Need to Empower and Transform These Emerging African Farmers to successful commercial farmers.

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